AI supports preventative health care

16:45 - 18:30 | Monday 8th July 2024

This event aims to showcase how the combined solutions of Tokueyes, GoodBoost, and Ghosh Medical can create a unique ecosystem for preventative healthcare using artificial intelligence.

The event will feature presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities to highlight the integration of advanced AI technologies in healthcare.

Target Audience:

Organisations seeking employee benefits, customer benefits, opticians, wellness providers, HR professionals, healthcare professionals, AI and tech innovators, policymakers, charities and media and General Public


  • 4.45 PM – 5.00 PM - Registration and welcome refreshments
  • 5.00 PM – 5.10 PM - Opening remarks, welcome address and introduction to the event’s theme and objectives.
  • 5.15 - 5.45 PM - Tokueyes Presentation - Presenter: Francesca Logan, Commercial Director of Tokueyes.
  • 5.45 - 6.00 PM - Panel Discussion: Creating a Preventative Healthcare Ecosystem - Moderator: Brendon Kenny.



Representatives from Tokueyes, GoodBoost, and Dr. Arun Ghosh

Additional experts in AI and healthcare


The synergy between AI technologies and traditional healthcare practices

Challenges and opportunities in implementing AI-driven preventative healthcare

Future trends and innovations in AI healthcare solutions


Networking Opportunity:

Attendees can further network and discuss potential collaborations with the presenters and other participants over refreshments.

By registering for this event, you agree that any photography or videography of the event and attendees may be used for promotional purposes. Your data may also be shared with the event hosts.