Nature is Everyone’s Business: finding your purpose in a climate emergency

11:00 - 13:00 | Thursday 9th November 2023

An interactive workshop to discover your individual and career-driven purpose while facing a climate emergency.

Join Sarah and Matthew from Earthscope IOM and gain valuable perspectives on the essential role nature plays in our lives and businesses. Learn how to align your personal and professional goals with environmental stewardship- which involves actively engaging in conservation initiatives and adopting sustainable practices to safeguard our natural environment.

Earthscope Isle of Man is a Manx startup born out of a desire to help people realise their ability to make meaningful change to help people and the rest of nature thrive.

More and more people are looking for how they can do good in the world through their work and Earthscope is here to explore the possible pathways that might lead you towards a sustainable, fulfilling, prosperous future.