Soil health workshop by Joel Williams of Integrated Soils

18:00 - 21:00 | Tuesday 5th December 2023

Interactive, informative session delivered by World-renowned soil expert Joel Williams on sustainable farming practices.

Informal lectures tailored to the audience with plenty of opportunity for interaction and Q&A.

Topics covered will include:

  • Multi-species swards and plant species diversity:
    Ecological principles of poly-crops/MSS - competition, complementarity, facilitation, resource sharing
    Root x root interactions in diverse plots
    Grass, clover and multi-species swards
    Benefits of diversity to soil health, pests & disease, nutrient use efficiency and soil carbon
  • Integrated Nutrient Management:
    Integration of multiple nutrient sources for fertility management-
    Manures, composts, carbon-based inputs and artificial fertilisers
    Bio-fertilisers, compost extracts and ferments
  • Low input strategies:
    Seed treatments
    Foliar fertilising
    Carbon-based stabilisation of soluble nutrients
    Nitrogen inhibitors

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