SQR drop-in sessions: Discover our eKYC Solutions

13:30 - 16:00 | Tuesday 10th September 2024

SQR invite you to join them for an informal drop-in session to chat about their secure eKYC solution.

Are you familiar with SQR's collaboration with the Isle of Man Government’s Central Registry to independently verify the identity of beneficial owners on the Isle of Man? 

If you’re curious to find out about the ease of onboarding or would like to know more about what they do, then join the SQR team for a coffee and chat about their secure, friction-free eKYC and screening services. 

They can demonstrate how easy it is for individuals such as beneficial owners to create and share their digital identity, and showcase their award-winning KYC compliance dashboard that streamlines onboarding and automates daily monitoring checks. 

They have 2 drop-in sessions available no need to book just pop in to the Work Café and meet the SQR team for a chat.